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Contentoo's writing services

Read about the different Contentoo services


  • Contentoo’s content writing services encompass a wide spectrum. From writing meticulously researched specialised content that demands expert knowledge to producing SEO-optimised content with minimal research requirements.


  • Rewriting involves updating, enhancing, and repurposing existing content to improve its quality and relevance. 
  • This entails making changes at the sentence, paragraph, and structure levels, going beyond the correction of errors or refinement of text. 
  • It includes rephrasing, reorganising, and or rewriting entire sections. Additionally, rewriting is often employed to update old content for SEO purposes, ensuring it remains valuable and visible to the target audience.


  • Ensures that content is error-free and ready for publishing. You are expected to check: 
    • Typo’s, grammar and punctuation
    • Revise structural and conceptual levels of content to improve clarity, coherence, and flow of the writing

Translation / Machine Translation Post-Editing

  • Conversion of a text from one language to another while maintaining the meaning, context, and intent of the original content.
  • For an on platform project that is “Machine Translation Post-Editing” you will be sent a document that needs to be edited, thus, make sure to check:
      • That content is error-free
      • Typo’s, grammar, and punctuation
      • Revise structural and conceptual levels of content to improve clarity, coherence, and flow of the writing


  • Localisation goes beyond language translation, it adapts content for a specific cultural and sometimes regional audience. Thus, you must include considerations of cultural/regional variations.